Membership and Responsibilities
As a club member, you agree to the following basic rules:
- Uphold all club safety procedures whilst shooting on the ranges and woodlands.
- Abide by current UK air gun laws.
- Ensure that the guns you own comply with UK power limits. FAC air guns are not permitted on club ranges or the woodlands.
- Pay membership renewals as directed by the club committee.
- Attend at least one work party per year.
Full members have access to door key codes and must ensure that if they are the last person to leave that the building is locked, and all lights are extinguished.
Please note wearing your Club ID while on Club property is compulsory.
On details of how to join the club follow the link to the Joiners Page.
All members benefit from £2,000,000 public liability insurance while shooting at the club, plus £5,000 equipment cover, all included in the membership fee. Please note the club insurance will cover theft or damage while at the club or while shooting at any other club affiliated club but excludes theft from motor vehicles.
We, therefore, recommended that additional gun insurance is purchased, the most cost-effective way to do this is to join BASC or the NRSA both of which offer insurance as part of their respective memberships.
Regardless of when you join the club the annual membership renewal is due at the end of January. The club membership fees will be set and communicated to all members by the committee following the clubs Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Work Parties
Needless to say, the grass does not cut itself, the shrubs are not self-pruning, and the targets are not covered with self-repairing paint. So, we have occasional work parties at weekends. You will be expected to attend at least one work party per year, but if you can attend more, all the better.
If a member has cause to raise a complaint it should be made in writing and addressed to the Chairman. A suggestion box can be found in the clubhouse for any member to raise points. Questions regarding any aspect of the website please use the Contact Page.
Discipline Procedures
Full details of club’s disciplinary procedure can be found in our constitutional rules.
Regards BFTO.